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\\ /* ;;# If you want to **contact** us => ;;# */ ---- \\ =====e-mail===== |AB-%%VM%% | [[mailto:mv-ab@geo-lab.info|mv-ab@geo-lab.info]] | ---- \\ ===== Group MV-AB === * On [[wp>Telegram_(software)|Telegram]], * **group**: MV-AB * contact **user**: @GALoPaX * invitation **link**: https://t.me/joinchat/AILe1QzceBPUh8VV4cPQQQ ---- \\ ===== Form =====
Action mail mv-ab@geo-lab.info Thanks "Thank you for contacting AB-VM. We will get back to you shortly." Fieldset "Contact Form:" Textbox "Your name" static . email "Your email address" static . select "Contact:" "AB-VM|MLF-Legacy|Piece of the month|Friends of AB-VM|Other" static . textbox "Subject" ! static . textarea "Your request" wiki " ### In the case that you provide us with personal data, they will be included in our automated (temporary) file, in accordance with the provisions of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, in order to be able to respond to the query/request that you make through this form. ### ### In the period of time that elapses between your request and our response, if you wish, you may exercise your right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of data, communicating it through the correl address or to the postal address C/ Junterones Nº2-3B, 30.008, Murcia, (Spain). ### " yesno "Did you read the above?" static . textbox "You have to write 'yes, I accept' here =>" /^yes, I accept$/ static . submit "Send inquiry" static . ---- \\ ======Environments====== =====Real Environment===== ### The "**A**lto **B**ierzo" **M**useum is located in the [[wpes>Centro Cultural Casa de las Culturas]] ([[http://www.aytobembibre.es/pagina-ejemplo/cultura/|Casa de las Culturas]]), in the town of [[wp>Bembibre]] in [[wp>El Bierzo]]. ### Cultural Center of the Village "Casa de las Culturas" St/ Lope de Vega, 3 - P.C.: 24300 - Bembibre (León) Phone: 987 514 555 Fax: 987 514 575 email: [[mailto:educacionycultura@aytobembibre.es|educacionycultura@aytobembibre.es]] **Contact person**: Loly ;#; 42.61790000,-6.41611500,0,.8,marker-red.png,[[http://www.aytobembibre.es/pagina-ejemplo/cultura/|"Alto Bierzo" Museum. Bembibre - León]] ;#; {{geotag>lat:42.61790000, lon:-6.41611500, alt:648.000, placename:Alto Bierzo Museum - Bembibre , country:EU-ES , region:ES-LE }} =====Virtual Environment===== ;#; The "**A**lto **B**ierzo" **V**irtual **M**useum \\ \\ is located at the URI – [[wp>URI]]\\ \\ [[mvab>|https://mv-ab.geo-lab.info]]. ;#;