If you want to **contact** us =>
|AB-%%VM%% | [[mailto:mv-ab@geo-lab.info|mv-ab@geo-lab.info]] |
===== Group MV-AB ===
* On [[wp>Telegram_(software)|Telegram]],
* **group**: MV-AB
* contact **user**: @GALoPaX
* invitation **link**: https://t.me/joinchat/AILe1QzceBPUh8VV4cPQQQ
===== Form =====
=====Real Environment=====
The "**A**lto **B**ierzo" **M**useum is located in the [[wpes>Centro Cultural Casa de las Culturas]] ([[http://www.aytobembibre.es/pagina-ejemplo/cultura/|Casa de las Culturas]]), in the town of [[wp>Bembibre]] in [[wp>El Bierzo]].
Cultural Center of the Village "Casa de las Culturas"
St/ Lope de Vega, 3 - P.C.: 24300 - Bembibre (León)
Phone: 987 514 555
Fax: 987 514 575
email: [[mailto:educacionycultura@aytobembibre.es|educacionycultura@aytobembibre.es]]
**Contact person**: Loly
42.61790000,-6.41611500,0,.8,marker-red.png,[[http://www.aytobembibre.es/pagina-ejemplo/cultura/|"Alto Bierzo" Museum. Bembibre - León]]
{{geotag>lat:42.61790000, lon:-6.41611500, alt:648.000, placename:Alto Bierzo Museum - Bembibre , country:EU-ES , region:ES-LE }}
=====Virtual Environment=====
The "**A**lto **B**ierzo" **V**irtual **M**useum \\
is located at the URI – [[wp>URI]]\\